hey everyone this is my first time to post a question on the unity3d ask forum anyway i’ve been working on a cubical based engine and the chunks seems to take long to load when they are more than 666 but it takes about 4-5 seconds to load a chunk 121212 size ! and no matter how i adjust my code to had smaller log() ! it still take the same amount of time ! i used arrays to create the vertices and then throw them with the triangles arrays to the an empty GO mesh ! if u need any farther info ask away and here is all the code used for the chunk and all related classes
face Class
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TestFace {
Vector3 vertex1;
Vector3 vertex2;
Vector3 vertex3;
Vector3 vertex4;
public TestFace(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Vector3 v4){
vertex1 = v1;
vertex2 = v2;
vertex3 = v3;
vertex4 = v4;
//Debug.Log ("("+v1.ToString ()+":"+v2.ToString ()+":"+v3.ToString ()+":"+v4.ToString ()+")");
public Vector3[] toVec(){
return new Vector3[]{vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, vertex4};
public string toStr(){
return "("+vertex1.ToString ()+":"+vertex2.ToString ()+":"+vertex3.ToString ()+":"+vertex4.ToString ()+")";
public string flip(){
List<Vector3> test = new List<Vector3> ();
test.Add (vertex4);
test.Add (vertex2);
test.Add (vertex3);
test.Add (vertex1);
//return test;
return "("+vertex4.ToString ()+":"+vertex2.ToString ()+":"+vertex3.ToString ()+":"+vertex1.ToString ()+")";
and the chunk class
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TestChunk : MonoBehaviour {
// Variables
public int chunkWidth, chunkHeight;
List<Vector3> givenVertices;
List<int> givenTriangles;
List<Vector2> givenUvs;
List<TestFace> faces;
bool[] boolFaces;
List<Vector3[]> vecFaces;
List<string> strFaces;
List<int> optimisedTriangles;
Mesh mesh;
void Start (){
givenVertices = new List<Vector3> ();
givenTriangles = new List<int> ();
givenUvs = new List<Vector2> ();
faces = new List<TestFace> ();
vecFaces = new List<Vector3[]> ();
strFaces = new List<string> ();
optimisedTriangles = new List<int> ();
mesh = new Mesh ();
for(int x=0; x<chunkWidth; x++){
for(int z=0; z<chunkWidth; z++){
for(int y=0; y<chunkHeight; y++){
optimise ();
creatMesh ();
void Update() {
void addBlock(int x, int y, int z){
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x,y+1,z), new Vector3 (x,y+1,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z), new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z+1))); // Creating the Top Face of the Block
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x+1,y,z+1), new Vector3 (x,y,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y,z), new Vector3 (x,y,z))); // Creating the Bottom Face of the Block
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x,y,z), new Vector3 (x,y,z+1), new Vector3 (x,y+1,z), new Vector3 (x,y+1,z+1))); // Creating the Front Face of the Block
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z), new Vector3 (x+1,y,z))); // Creating the Back Face of the Block
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x+1,y,z), new Vector3 (x,y,z), new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z), new Vector3 (x,y+1,z))); // Creating the Right Face of the Block
faces.Add (new TestFace (new Vector3 (x,y+1,z+1), new Vector3 (x,y,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y+1,z+1), new Vector3 (x+1,y,z+1))); // Creating the Left Face of the Block
void optimise(){
// Calculating Lists
calculate_vecFaces ();
boolFaces = new bool[vecFaces.Count];
// Fixing the bools And Calculating the givenTriangles & givenVertices
for(int i=0; i<vecFaces.Count; i++){
//calculating the givenVertices
_ givenVertices.Add(vecFaces*[1]);_
_ givenVertices.Add(vecFaces[2]);
//calculating the givenUvs*
* givenUvs.Add (new Vector2(0,0));
givenUvs.Add (new Vector2(0,1));
givenUvs.Add (new Vector2(1,0));
givenUvs.Add (new Vector2(1,1));
//calculating the givenTriangles*
givenTriangles.Add (i4);
givenTriangles.Add (i4 +1);
givenTriangles.Add (i4 +2);
givenTriangles.Add (i4 +2);
givenTriangles.Add (i4 +1);
givenTriangles.Add (i4 +3);
* //Fixing the bools*_
_ Debug.Log(faces*.flip () + " : " + strFaces[0]);
if(strFaces.Contains(faces.flip ())){
boolFaces = false;
Debug.Log("accessed … ");
boolFaces = true;
* // Creating the optimised Triangles*
* for(int i=0; i<boolFaces.Length; i++){*
* //Debug.Log(boolFaces[0].ToString() + " : " + boolFaces[1].ToString() + " : " + boolFaces[2].ToString() + " : " + boolFaces[3].ToString() + " : " + boolFaces[4].ToString() + " : " + boolFaces[5].ToString());*
_ if(boolFaces*){
//Debug.Log(i6 +1);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 0]);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 1]);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 2]);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 3]);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 4]);
optimisedTriangles.Add(givenTriangles[i*6 + 5]);
* }
* void calculate_vecFaces(){
_ for(int i=0; i<faces.Count; i++){
strFaces.Add(faces.toStr ());
* void creatMesh(){*
* mesh.vertices = givenVertices.ToArray ();*
* mesh.triangles = optimisedTriangles.ToArray ();*
* mesh.uv = givenUvs.ToArray ();*
* mesh.RecalculateBounds ();*
* mesh.RecalculateNormals ();*
* GetComponent ().mesh = mesh;*
* Debug.Log (GetComponent ().mesh.vertices.Length);*
* Debug.Log (GetComponent ().mesh.triangles.Length);*
_ /
Debug.Log (“given >> " + givenTriangles.Count);
Debug.Log (“Optimised >> " + optimisedTriangles.Count);
Debug.Log (”( " + optimisedTriangles[0] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[1] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[2] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[3] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[4] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[5] + " : " +
optimisedTriangles[6] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[7] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[8] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[9] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[10] + " : " + optimisedTriangles[11] + " )”);