Cubemap from Texture

I have a Texture, created by script.
Now I should “convert” it to a Cubemap, for reflection purpose.
I’ve searched a lot on the web but I can’t find any good solution to do it.
Does anybody know how to do that?

What kind of texture? What’s the purpose of it? When you say for reflection do you mean reflections of a skybox?

Hi Scabbage, sorry for my lack of details.
I’m using Vuforia, and I’d like to have the live video input as a (fake) reflection for my objects.
So the Texture come from a WebCamTexture.
I’d not like to use a “Camera.RenderToCubemap” since it’s expensive (I’m on mobile), and I just need the background (the live video input), not all the scene, for my reflections.
So I “simply” would like to “convert” my ready-made Texture (the live video input) into a cubemap, not for real reflections but just an illusion…
Furthermore it would be nice if I could pass my Texture into a Cubemap as Spherical.

Solved! GetPixels - SetPixels…

do you mind clarifying your approach to solving the problem? how did you convert the webcam texture into a cubemap?