Cubemaps disappearing from objects with identical material?

I have a very simple reflective material that is using a cubemap (it is the default reflective/specular material).

However, whenever I have more than 2 objects with this material on-screen, the cubemap vanishes from all but 1 of the objects.

alt text

When I delete 5 of those gray blocks, the remaining 2 will properly use the cubemap. But as you can see, when all of these are here, only 1 of them shows the cubemap.

More confusingly, if I take any of the blocks with the broken cubemap and move it far away, its cubemap reappears. What’s going on, and is there a way to fix it?

For the sake of being able to mark this question as officially answered:

Jessy noted that this is a batching issue. If you’re experiencing this problem, turning off batching fixes it. Thanks to Jessy for the solution.

Alternatively, I think you could also instance the material across all of the problem objects. This would eliminate the batching error for only those objects and allow you to batch other objects as usual.