Cubemen - Launching on Steam on 16th March, 2012.

I am happy to announce that Cubemen is launching on Steam for PC and Mac on the 16th of March, followed by release on the Mac App Store, iOS Store (iPad2+ only) and other Digital Download sites.

Cubemen is already available on Desura (for PC and Mac) and is rated 9.5/10 - Ben 10 Games - Play Free on Desura

Here is the latest Cubemen trailer.

You can also visit the main Cubemen website that has additional information, videos and screen shots.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Damn, that looks excellent; great trailer too. Congrats Seon! All that hard work has paid off.

This reminds me of Solstice for the Nes for some reason. This looks way better than that.

Thanks guys, Am pretty pumped about the Steam launch, and getting it out on other platforms right afterwards. It’s been a long time coming.

Great trailer! :slight_smile: I found this game earlier on IndieDB and thought it looked really cool. The graphics are simple, they area cubemen after all, but I really like the style. I’ll give it a try when I have time between school and personal projects.

Good luck with the sales! It looks really awesome.

I love the aesthetics! Good luck :slight_smile:

congrats Seon! The game looks like a lot of fun!

Neat! Looking forward to the Steam release! :smile:

30 thumbs up for the originality, curious about the gameplay :slight_smile:

Here is a walk through video I created a few weeks back.

Wow! Looks like a well thoughout game. Good job!

So now to get Cubemen ready for iPad Retina display… oh the joys!

I can be hipster and say I knew about it first :wink:

Watched the walkthrough. While I have to admit that it’s not my kind of game (but just for personal gaming tastes), it definitely looks awesome, both design-wise than gameplay-wise. Also, again, I bow to the originality of it. It’s pure pleasure to see a game like that being released. Wish you a huge amount of luck, you certainly deserve it (and probably won’t even need it, seen how strong Cubemen looks) :slight_smile:

Looks really cool ! Grats !

Looks like a really interesting game Seon. Congrats on getting onto Steam :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your kind words and feedback. Launching in 6 days and I am nervous as anything, so it’s reassuring to know that you all like the look of it :slight_smile: