Culled animation won't play in MR scene

I can only get animations to play in an MR scene on Vision Pro by setting them to “always animate”; using “cull transform” the animations don’t play even when the camera is looking directly at them up close.

However, I have a bunch of animations all playing at the same time in a scene, so it bogs down the headset to have them all set to “always animate”. Is there something I’m missing that will make “cull transform” work?

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You absolutely saved me. I just spent painful hours trying to figure out why animations were working in editor but not in build. Solution was changing to Always Animate. Thank you!!!


For now, animations will require the animator culling mode to be set to AlwaysAnimate. A fix for this is on the roadmap, and we’ll be looking into improving it in a future release.

As a workaround, something that might work is to set up a head-pose tracked camera as we do in the unbounded sample scenes (MixedReality in particular), then having that camera activate culled animators. You will also need to attach a custom script to that camera to call Render() each frame to force it to render.

Take this with a heavy grain of salt however, as there may be performance costs to Render() that offset or nullify the advantage of having culled animators. Additionally, this will only work in unbounded scenes as pose-tracking only works in unbounded scenes.