Culling mask not working.

I’m having a very odd issue with my culling masks on my lights. Basically, most of the layers are ignoring the fact that their layer is not supposed to be affected by the lights and are getting lit anyways. The only layer that seems to work correctly is the default layer. Also, if I check “nothing” for the culling mask of the light, than all the objects stop being lit like their supposed to, but if I check ANY layer, even “water”, the object will get lit. The lights are being rendered in real-time (not light-mapped).

Thanks for any help!!

Are you sure you’re putting the objects on a specific rendering layer, and then excluding that layer from the culling mask on all lights?


Yes, I’m sure. For example I have a yellow light that is supposed to only affect the layer “Objects” and only that layer is checked in the culling mask, however it still shows on the “character” and “player” layers, and yet it doesn’t shine on the default layer O.o

I think I should have mentioned that it was working before, and then my project got corrupted so I had to copy paste the scripts into a new project and rebuild my scenes. And after I rebuilt them i noticed the problem. That’s making me think their might be some type of project setting I don’t know about that was set correctly in the previous project but not this new one.

Same problem here! (I’m using Unity 4.2.2 with Deferred and DX11 enabled).

Nevermind. Searching I’ve discovered that using Deferred we only can use 4 layers to exclude objects.

I’m having the same problem with my culling masks and using deffered lighting. But I’m only using 3 layers to exclude objects, not 4.