The game I’m currently working on involves a large array of “tiles,” each with a single letter on it’s surface. Each tile is just a cube with a 3D text object as a child. Everything was batching just fine (one draw call for all cubes and one for all letters).
But then i decided I wanted to have a 2nd 3D text object on each tile with a darker color and slightly offset from the first to give some apparent depth to the letter. The 2nd letter is generated in script in exactly the same way as the first, just with a different gameobject, a different material, and a different color. Both materials are using the same shader, which is the Unify wiki 3D Text Shader.
Now my game’s draw calls go from 5 to 150-200 (there are a lot of these tiles). Strange, it should be 6 draw calls, but it gets weirder (to me, anyway).
As a test, I pull up a new scene and put 3 3d text objects in it, 2 using the first 3d text material from the game, and the 3rd using the 2nd darker one. At first it shows the expected 2 draw calls, but then I noticed that when I move the 3rd text object around, the draw calls go from 2 to 3 depending on where it is on screen.
This seems really weird. Does it maybe have something to do with the shader used, or is there a simpler explanation? I know that high draw calls aren’t the end of the world, but in this case it basically doubles the time spent in the rendering thread according to stats(which is admittedly not much time in the first place).
Here’s the method that generates the 3d text btw:
public void AddLetter()
//***************characterSize = targetSizeInWorldUnits*10.0f/fontSize;
tileLetter = new GameObject();
TextMesh tempMesh = tileLetter.AddComponent<TextMesh>();
MeshRenderer tempRenderer = tileLetter.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
tempMesh.font = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/IBM");
tempMesh.renderer.sharedMaterial = (Material)Resources.Load("Materials/3DFontMaterial");
tempMesh.renderer.sharedMaterial.color = new Color(68f / 255, 40f / 255, 33f / 255);
tempMesh.text = letter.ToString();
tempMesh.characterSize = 0.07f;
tempMesh.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
tempMesh.transform.position = location;
tempMesh.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0.05f, -0.075f, -0.53f));
tempMesh.offsetZ = 0;
tileLetter.transform.parent = transform;
tileLetter.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); = "Tile Letter";
tileLetter.tag = "letter";
tileLetterShade = new GameObject();
TextMesh tempMeshShade = tileLetterShade.AddComponent<TextMesh>();
MeshRenderer tempRendererShade = tileLetterShade.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
tempMeshShade.font = (Font)Resources.Load("Fonts/IBM");
tempMeshShade.renderer.sharedMaterial = (Material)Resources.Load("Materials/3DFontShadeMaterial");
tempMeshShade.renderer.sharedMaterial.color = new Color(25f / 255, 10f / 255, 0f / 255);
tempMeshShade.text = letter.ToString();
tempMeshShade.characterSize = 0.07f;
tempMeshShade.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
tempMeshShade.transform.position = location;
tempMeshShade.transform.Translate(new Vector3(0.01f, -0.08f, -0.51f));
tempMeshShade.offsetZ = 0;
tileLetterShade.transform.parent = transform;
tileLetterShade.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); = "Tile Letter Shade";
tileLetterShade.tag = "letter";