in the console log this error (Curl error 51: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_EXPIRED)after unity goes crash
It’s looks like unity server is down. Many peoples are having this trouble
same for me on unity 2019.3.0f5
I started receiving this error just now as well:
Curl error 51: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_EXPIRED
And it prevented me from building for iOS.
A workaround that seems to work is to disable your wifi/network connection while building.
Hopefully the servers will come online soon again.
Confirming that Unity has eyes on this issue. Hope for resolution soon. Me too. i thought i did something wrong
My unity Version was crashing so I updated Unity version to LTS 2018.4.22f and now its giving this error
The first answer on google told me that it couldn’t reach the server.
Im on 2018.4.22f1 by the way
yes, disable WiFi and use offline
same happening to me
Console gives me this error all the time: Curl error 51: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_EXPIRED
Super annoying! Any workarounds or do we have to wait for them to fix it?
I’m on 2018.4.14 and it crashing when I try to run my game within the editor. Same error code.
Looks like I’m not the only one facing this issue. You can run the game by clearing the console. But it’ll only work till next error alert doesn’t shows up.
Fixed (able to run game) if not pausing on errors:
1) Stop internet connection,
2) Start Unity.
3) Choose work offline.
This will prevent crash the program. Is beacaus unity server is down.
In my case I have solved the problem by removing the “S” from a url.
Before it worked with https: // and now it stops working.
Just put http: // without “S” at the end.
It definitely has to do with the ssl certificate of the host you want to access.