Current gameplay of my first game

Hello Everyone!
I am currently trying to develop my first game and decided to try something simple for now. I plan on releasing it on Iphone so I can get my feet wet. This is my current version. I plan on adding several more things to it such as asteroids to dodge, planets in the background, ships flying across the screen, another type of ship that can shoot a homing missile (forcing the player to move around more) and possibly some kind of capital ship. Also there is no health bar or score at the moment but I will add those in too.

Playing the game is probably a lot easier on your stomach than watching a video of someone else playing it. I just hope you guys get enough of an idea so I can get some feedback. I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

Asteroids, planets, moons and stuff.

Looks nice, I would suggest leaderboards to keep the player coming back to get a better score.