Was bored today at work and I made a Script that retrieves current weather conditions based on the player’s IP address.
It is using SimpleJSON so make sure you DOWNLOAD HERE then import the unitypackage into your project.
Then just copy paste the below code into a C# script.
It is using NGUI label and texture so if you don’t have it, just replace
public UILabel myWeatherLabel;
public UITexture myWeatherCondition;
with the GUI versions.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using SimpleJSON;
public class GetMyWeather : MonoBehaviour {
public UILabel myWeatherLabel;
public UITexture myWeatherCondition;
public string currentIP;
public string currentCountry;
public string currentCity;
//retrieved from weather API
public string retrievedCountry;
public string retrievedCity;
public int conditionID;
public string conditionName;
public string conditionImage;
void Start()
IEnumerator SendRequest()
//get the players IP, City, Country
currentIP = Network.player.externalIP;
WWW cityRequest = new WWW("http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip=" + currentIP); //get our location info
yield return cityRequest;
if (cityRequest.error == null || cityRequest.error == "")
var N = JSON.Parse(cityRequest.text);
currentCity = N["geoplugin_city"].Value;
currentCountry = N["geoplugin_countryName"].Value;
Debug.Log("WWW error: " + cityRequest.error);
//get the current weather
WWW request = new WWW("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=" + currentCity); //get our weather
yield return request;
if (request.error == null || request.error == "")
var N = JSON.Parse(request.text);
retrievedCountry = N["sys"]["country"].Value; //get the country
retrievedCity = N["name"].Value; //get the city
string temp = N["main"]["temp"].Value; //get the temperature
float tempTemp; //variable to hold the parsed temperature
float.TryParse(temp, out tempTemp); //parse the temperature
float finalTemp = Mathf.Round((tempTemp - 273.0f)*10)/10; //holds the actual converted temperature
int.TryParse(N["weather"][0]["id"].Value, out conditionID); //get the current condition ID
//conditionName = N["weather"][0]["main"].Value; //get the current condition Name
conditionName = N["weather"][0]["description"].Value; //get the current condition Description
conditionImage = N["weather"][0]["icon"].Value; //get the current condition Image
//put all the retrieved stuff in the label
myWeatherLabel.text =
"Country: " + retrievedCountry
+ "\nCity: " + retrievedCity
+ "\nTemperature: " + finalTemp + " C"
+ "\nCurrent Condition: " + conditionName
+ "\nCondition Code: " + conditionID;
Debug.Log("WWW error: " + request.error);
//get our weather image
WWW conditionRequest = new WWW("http://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + conditionImage + ".png");
yield return conditionRequest;
if (conditionRequest.error == null || conditionRequest.error == "")
//create the material, put in the downloaded texture and make it visible
var texture = conditionRequest.texture;
Shader shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored");
if (shader != null)
var material = new Material(shader);
material.mainTexture = texture;
myWeatherCondition.material = material;
myWeatherCondition.color = Color.white;
Debug.Log("WWW error: " + conditionRequest.error);