Cursor disappears when I use a Canvas with buttons

Hello All,

I have done some searching and found similar topics without a solution. Does anyone know a fix to allow the cursor to display on a canvas. My gaze is selecting the buttons but, its kind of a guessing game.

edit: This is for the hololens

Thank you

I think the HoloTool kit has something for that at least a pre built cursor option. Are you trying to build a cursor with a canvas?

yes, i am using the holole tool kit cursor. I am building a UI (buttons on a canvas).

I’m not sure what to do about displaying a cursor from the HoloToolkit in the UI, but what button you’re gazing at shouldn’t need to be a guessing game - even without a cursor. You can prescribe different colors, transforms, and such for each button such that it’s obvious which button/etc. is being gazed at. See UI Components - Unity Learn