Cursor is Not show

I using Image as custom cursor and I already

  • set Texture Type to Cursor
  • set Size to 32 x 32
  • set Filter Mode to Point(no filter)
  • set Format to RGBA32 bit
  • set Default Cursor in Player Settings to my cursor image

and it just only work in Editor…

But it not work in actual build!! (Stand alone Windows)
it still default windows cursor (arrow)
not my custom image!

What happen?
it’s just a cursor why so difficult?

Ok, I replied myself again…

I have to Enable Read/Write in Texture importer first!

I wondering if Unity can choose Texture Type to Cursor
and I have to choose by myself

Why Read/Write is still be able to set?
Why not automatic enable? it’s need to set for what?

Unity always have something weird as I see,

and the Pro cost is up to 2,200 $ right?
But still No Steam IAP (because Unity IAP is not support right?)
I don’t understand Steam is the best place to selling our game
and Unity is the best Game Engine that anyone can use
why both are not works together?

I used to see weird things and logic
in Unity Steamworks, so I’m not a Pro yet,
But know what will happen…

and Yes, No Plus anymore I can’t decide to pay
because of those weird things…