Same thing is happening with me. This problem was there over 2 years ago at my studio and we solved it by creating a custom export script from the trax editor. This was only done because we had a talented technical artist which isn’t an option for my new project. I am really disappointed this is happening, the workflow between the world’s most popular programs needs a lot of work after all this time.
Suggestions from an artist who uses the second most popular, animation package Max.
First - Try to reimport the fbx back into your 3D package then re-export - then bring into Unity. Any change to the curves?
Second - Try to add one key before and one key after the stepped keyframes, then export to Unity. Any change to the curves?
Not sure if these attempts will result in a solution.
Sorry for your troubles - I’ve seen this before with Maya content, unsure why. cc’d to the other thread also.
Here is the best solution I could come up with to stop the popping in the curves…
I spaced out the keyframes between different animation loops, so instead of one frame between them in the timeline there is a gap of 5 or 6 frames. I selected the whole skeleton hierarchy, baked the animation manually in Maya, and deleted the rig, so only the skeleton and the mesh were left. Then I exported them into Unity and turned off the “resample curves” option. This removed the pop I was getting in the animation. The most important thing seems to be leaving space between animations. It’s not exactly perfect, but it works.
As a side note, I get weird space flipping in the curves, where they are drawn as going to 360 degrees and back, but it doesn’t affect the animation. So strange.