Hello everyone!
I’m coming ot you because I’m facing an animation problem, and I can’t find anything about this on google…
Let’s say I have a model of a furniture. I have no rig, but I use the set driven key to animate the parts of it. For instance, I have a Curve in Maya with a set driven key for the rotation of the door and other related thing such the hinges.
I have a second curve to animate the drawer.
Well I’ve got to export all of it in FBX (format used by my working place), and reimport in Unity. When I export in FBX, I have the error saying Maya had to bake my animations because I know Unity doesn’t work with driven keys. But the problem is everything is baked in one take, named “take 001” in unity. I’d like to have one take in Unity by curve created in Maya?
Thanks a lot for you help!