So, there is no easy way to explain this but there are certain ways in which I have done things for the creation of this game to keep everything corresponding directly to one another. I am coming across a problem whereby GameObject.FindObjectswithTag will sort my object array into an order which I must reference two objects into an index for another array. However, my indexing is all out because I cannot find a way of referencing two objects in an array which are next to each-other whilst being in an incrementing statement. I don’t feel confident explaining this but I hope from my code you can see what I’m trying to do:
public void ClassSelection(GameObject classSelected)
// ClassButtons.Length = 6
for (int i = 0; i < ClassButtons.Length; i++)
if (classSelected == ClassButtons*)*
// CharacterArmouryScript.ArmourTypes.Length = 3
for (int t = 0; t < CharacterArmouryScript.ArmourTypes.Length; t++)*
if (i == t || i == (ClassButtons.Length - (t + 1)))*
CharacterArmouryScript.ArmourTypeReference = t;*
// Current 2 by 3 Array Type:*
// 0 = [0] or [5]*
// 1 = [1] or [4]*
// 2 = [2] or [3]*
// What I need: Ideal Algorithm Array Values*
// 0 = [0] or [1]*
// 1 = [2] or [3]*
// 2 = [4] or [5]*
I will answer as many comments as possible if i havnt explained myself enough, but Basically what i need is SolutionX:
if ( i == t || i == SolutionX )
// What I need: Ideal Algorithm Array Values
// i = [0] or [1]
// i = [2] or [3]
// i = [4] or [5]
This would be such a huge help if anyone could help me, I feel its more of a maths issue; or im just being even more silly about what i’m doing. Thanks