Custom Atlas shader performance question

I was experimenting with one peculiar atlas shader setup in Blender shader editor. The idea was to divide the 0-1 UV square into regions, and make the texture tile automatically inside each region. So I could have multiple tiling textures inside same atlas, without the need of subdividing the mesh and precisely matching UVs. The math I’ve used is working, but the problem is that it requires new texture sampling operation for each region. On this forum, I was told that multiple samples are bad for performance. Is this shader even worth recreating in Unity then? Will it be as bad as simply having multiple materials?

Then you’ve done something wrong, because it doesn’t require that unless you’re intending to have them overlap.

Well, you’re right, that was flawed thinking on my end. I used sort of “uv palette” in my material to drive some of parameters like specularity and glossness. Since I didnt want to use texture for these parameters (atlas was only for normals), I utilized some mix RGB nodes. When it came to normal maps in an atlas, I extrapolated the same mess of a workflow on them. Today, I did remake my Blender prototype to use a single texture sample. Should be trivial to do in Unity