Custom build and trying to generate multiple

Hi All,

I’m doing custom build, but I’m trying to integrate UnityAds… Unityads has its own resources and hence it generates its own Resources classes with its own package.
My game uses its own resources too, and it generates R.Java with it’s package name.
Now the current situation that I combine all the resources into the game’s resources with its package name.
but the problem that Unity Ads needs it’s own resources… how would I combine them in the build ? so that each plugin use it’s own resources with its package name and not generating conflicts with dex classes.

Are you combining that manually ?

Consider any Android app that uses external libraries (with resources), not specifically Unity based.

The Android build process knows to take the resources and generated classes and merge these together, so there are no conflicts (unless you declare identifiers with the same names).

If you have resources that use the same identifiers, you should prefix those to avoid any conflicts with external libraries.

You can read further in this link:
Specifically, the section under “Resource Conflicts”.