Last couple of weeks I’ve been working on a car physics project. It uses pacejka 94 formulas for longitudal, lateral, aligning forces and uses the beckman method for combined forces.
Since I’ve seen quite a few threads on here struggling with writing their own custom wheelcollider I’m open to sharing the source code once I’ve commented everything and cleaned up the code a bit in exchange for feedback. I’ve linked a downloadable demo below. (The track and the engine sounds were NOT created by me, they were exported from rfactor and belongs to their respective creators).
Link :
Controls :
W, up arrow - throttle
S, down arrow - brakes
D, A, right arrow, left arrow - steering
E - shift up
Q - shift down
C - switch camera
UI :
Guage show RPM / 100
Current gear is displayed on the left side of the guage.
Green box shows throttle
Red box shows brakes
Blue box shows clutch, but it isn’t implemented yet.
If you have any questions or suggestions I’d be more than happy to answer them!
BTW beware of the chicane