Custom character in separate parts

Hello there :slight_smile:

I’m working on a character which could handle differents clothes and switchables parts ( ex : differents arms, hands, shoes, etc ).

At the moment, i have a character rigged, skinned and animated for tests in 3DS Max, and i plan to export it as a single FBX including all the parts, then hide-show some parts dynamically.

I cut the character into 3 parts ( for test ) and would like only one body texture applyed to all the different parts together.
( Cf : example below )

The problem i have comes from the seams around the cut. The mesh animates fine but we still see the separation when the texture is applyed.

Also i’m not sure doing it in a good way, being not very familiar with Uvmapping in 3DS Max, so any ideas/advices to solve those seams are welcome, even if not optimized ( i mean from the moment it works, i don’t care too much of drawcalls ).

PS :
Sorry for my average english, and btw already checked but didnt got everything…

Moved this thread to “Support”


  • Aurore

If the vertices around the seams are weighted exactly the same to the same bones then they should not split apart. Similarly, if the UVMap is constructed correctly there should be no difference between the model being a single mesh or multiple.

Without seeing how the UVMap is constructed and without pictures displaying what happens to the mesh when it deforms, how the seams look, etc. it’s quite hard to tell what exactly is going wrong here.

Hi, thanx for your answer.

Sounds good to heard it should not happend, but what i did is duplicate the original body 3 times to keep the same influences.

I then removed the unused bones for each parts from each skin modifier, and finally deleted the vertices who were not used.

For the uvwmap, i didnt textured it yet, just tryed quickly a random bitmap on the default pelt to see the result it may have.

And about the deforms, seems the vertices are exactly placed like the original version. Seams are visible and i don’t know why.

Here is the .max so that you can have a look if you want. Feel free to use it in any non-commercial way.
( Check the layers to display controllers for anim, skeleton and so on ).

Also another picture to illustrate, i’ve applyed a texture of a uniform color :