Custom Console Window

Is there any way to make some windows like console window?
I want to make custom console to see logs from specific feature.
I tried to open two console windows filtered by different keyword, and it somehow sync and two console windows have identical logs of the last keyword.

What I want is opening hunting console, building console, and player console, and switch tabs anytime I want instead of typing “hunting” or “building” keyword every time. Even better if I can open two different consoles, and watch two different logs at the same time.

Since nobody answers… maybe it can’t be available until Unity turns into open source program I guess :frowning:

If you are interested how the build in console works, the editor C# code is available for free as reference code.

You should be able to to build your own custome console like other people did on the assetstore.

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I didn’t know that is possible! Thank you so much

So where exactly is the console-related code located? I didn’t find any folders called “Console” or something like that.

You can use the “Go to file” feature on github to search over all file names in the repository.

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Thanks. So what does reference source mean? I tried to create a script under Editor folder and pasted the code, a lot of errors saying “can’t access due to its protection level” (many internal class). Am I supposed to compile the file outside unity and import as a unitypackage? How can I get the ConsoleWindow worked in my workspace?

All non public editor code is not intended to be used other then how unity uses it internally.
Meaning you can access the via Reflection but thats about it. (and it may break at any time).

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