You know how you can normally click the Edit button in the inspector and then drag the points of the EdgeCollider2D around?
Well whenever I have a [CustomEditor(typeof(EdgeCollider2D))] I can no longer do that.
It doesn’t even matter if I don’t override a single method.
Simply having an empty custom editor class will remove the edit button for me.
The edit button is part of the built-in custom editor for EdgeCollider2D, and when you make your own custom editor, you override the existing one. You can call “DrawDefaultInspector()” inside of “OnInspectorGUI” to have the usual inspector values drawn, though I’m not sure the edit button counts as part of the default editor.
You could also try using build flags, just surround your custom editor with a “#if” and set/remove the build flag in the player settings to enable/disable your own custom editor.
Thanks, I ended up creating a new editor window that takes an edge collider in an object field instead of putting it in the inspector.