I’m creating a custom Editor skin, with Windows and custom inspector. I would like to change the skin of the editor.
For some element I use the relative GUI function with custom style, but I want to use my custom skin for all my component, without specify it everytime.
I try to set Gui.skin = myskin , but this change completely the GUI of unity…
And in this way I cant change the background of GUI.BeginScrollView because this method dont have a GUI.style for the content background like GUILayout.BeginScrollView.
Another thing I want to do is create the background of my Scrollview like the background of Animation component in unity, with repeated tiles.
I did it in this way and woorks fine! Thanks for the help
Rect rectInsideScrollView = Calculation....
//Draw Internal Background Repeated
Texture2D repeatedTexture = DrimkyStyle.InsideScrollViewTexture;
for(int x = 0; x < rectInsideScrollView.width; x += repeatedTexture.width){
for(int y = 0; y < rectInsideScrollView.height; y += repeatedTexture.height){
GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(x, y, repeatedTexture.width, repeatedTexture.height), repeatedTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f));