Custom Editor Window not displaying anything

Hello Everyone!

I’ve been trying recently to implement a ScriptableObject in my game that will store all items pertaining to a certain type. That way, whenever I want to make a crafting recipe (in a separate code), I can just go to the respective asset and search it’s list of items.

My ItemGroup (what I decided to call this ScriptableObject) script looks like this:

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Item Group", menuName = "Item Group", order = 0)]
    public class ItemGroup : ScriptableObject
        public int type;
        public List<Item> itemGroup = new List<Item>();

        Item SearchByID(int searchId)
            Item tempItem = null;
            foreach (Item item in itemGroup)
                if ( == searchId)
                    tempItem = item;

            if (tempItem != null)
                return tempItem;
            } else
                Debug.LogError("No Item with ID " + searchId + " found in ItemGroup!");
                return null;

The ItemGroupViewer Script looks like this:

public class ItemGroupViewer : Editor {

    Vector2 scroll = new Vector2();

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        ItemGroup ig = (ItemGroup)target;


        EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Item Type:");
        ItemType selected = (ItemType)ig.type;
        ig.type = (int)(ItemType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(selected);


        scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll, GUILayout.Height(250f));
        foreach(Item item in ig.itemGroup)
        if (GUILayout.Button("Add New Item"))


Everything is working fine and dandy, because it is displaying everything properly at this point. But when I close Unity and reopen it, the Inspector does not display anything at all for the ItemGroup assets, not even the file names. It only comes back when I change something in the ItemGroupViewer script, forcing Unity to reload the Inspector.

Is there a way to avoid this? Going to the script and changing it is time consuming and annoying. Besides, sometimes not even changing it works, forcing me to create a new ItemGroup and fill it with all the item names again!

PS: If it is important, the Item class present in the ItemGroup script is marked as Serializable.

There’s multiple things wrong with your editor script.

  1. Why does the first editor line set the target as dirty? That isn’t a thing you should do.
  2. Why are you not using PropertyField with serializedObject? It’s way better than using these other methods with target. Check the link for a nice little example.
  3. What probably causes your problem: You’re not calling ApplyModifiedProperties. Again, check the link for an example.