Custom Editor window that will allow the user to pick a Prefab only from a specific folder in Assets

Is there a way to let the user pick a Prefab from a specific folder (Assets/Prefabs/Props) without showing other assets outside that folder, in the Editor?

It seemed like EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker only allowed looking at all assets.

I was not able to find a solution that forced objects shown in the picker window to only prefabs originating from a certain folder. As a workaround: I set the searchFilter field to start with: “l:Prop”
i.e. EditorGUIUtility.ShowObjectPicker(null,false,“l:Prop”,current_picker_window);

And any objects that I want to show up in that window need to have the Prop label. You can still search in that field after if you append to the l:Prop syntax.

This isn’t ideal because it requires the extra step of labeling Prefabs when they’re already grouped together by folder and the user that uses the search field needs to know ahead of time to leave the cryptic looking “l:Prop” prepended to any search that they perform.