Custom Events Never Appearing in Event Browser

Hi there, my custom events don’t appear in the Event browser, not even under Invalid Events, even after 24 hours, in Unity 2022.1.18f1.

I first created a custom event using UGS Dashboard Event Manager. The event name is “friendInvited”.

To fire the event, I run this code:
AnalyticsService.Instance.CustomData("friendInvited", new Dictionary<string, object>());

I know the event is firing in Unity, because I defined UNITY_ANALYTICS_EVENT_LOGS, and I see the expected output.

My account is definitely connected to cloud services under my only project. Crash reporting and cloud builds work just fine. Also, all the non-custom events appear just fine. Querying the event in the Data Explorer also provides no data.

Help appreciated. Thanks!

Hey @aaronmichaelfrost

I’m curious as to why you’ve tried it like this as it’s not common practice to send empty custom data.


I can possibly understand that you would like to take a shortcut. 

To send a custom event you should be recording it like this:

// Send custom event
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>()
    { "fabulousString", "hello there" },
AnalyticsService.Instance.CustomData("friendInvited", parameters);

// Optional - You can call Events.Flush() to send the event immediately

You can see this in the documentation here: Record Custom Events (

However, while it should still work the way you done it, and upon testing it myself multiple times, can you confirm if you have initialized it correctly? Initial setup (

The solution was to follow the initial setup. That document was pretty hard to find from the inital documentation link on UGS cloud services. Maybe a good idea to put that somewhere more obvious.

On another note, sending empty dict worked fine because there were no custom parameters specified in EventManager.

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