I’m having a hard time tracking my custom events in Unity Analytics.
At first, I was tracking my events like this:
Analytics.CustomEvent ("eventName", null);
Afterwards, I noticed that null could not be sent and you could not parse these events properly. So, I changed my reporting method to:
Analytics.CustomEvent ("eventName", new Dictionary<string, object>{});
However, that still would not work. After reading some other threads, it was instructed to pass at least one value in the parameters, even if it would not be meaningful. Currently, I’m reporting my events as:
Analytics.CustomEvent (“eventName”, new Dictionary<string, object>{
{ “value”, 1 }
I still cannot see my events in Data explorer (“No data” message), however, I can see part of my data in a funnel that I created. I made this change about 8 hours ago. Have anyone experienced this behavior? Can it be fixed?