custom finger gesture recognition with $1 or $P

I am making creating a game where I need to get custom finger gesture. Our teacher said we have to use the $1 or $P recognizer ( $1 Unistroke Recognizer ). But I don’t know how to integrate this ( C#) in unity. Any advice or sample where it is made ?

Quoting from the source,

	//Load pre-made gestures
	TextAsset[] gesturesXml = Resources.LoadAll<TextAsset>("GestureSet/10-stylus-MEDIUM/");
	foreach (TextAsset gestureXml in gesturesXml)

	//Load user custom gestures
	string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(Application.persistentDataPath, "*.xml");
	foreach (string filePath in filePaths)

So if you want to create custom gestures, you simply record them using the demo (which creates the xml file in Application.persistentDataPath), then copy that file to the GestureSet/10-styles-MEDIUM resources file or leave it in persistentDataPath.

That is, as long as you are using the demo. Your final application can load the XML file from wherever it wants to.