Custom GUISkin Horizontal Slider Thumb is not draggable

My custom horizontalSliderThumb is based on GUIStyle.none. then I’m adding a custom image to it but it’s not draggable, other native sliders work perfect just below it :confused: what’s wrong?

P.S. using old GUI system

For custom slider in old GUI you must create two styles based on styles HorizontalSlider and horizontalSliderThumb (if you create standart GUISkin into Assets folder, you see this styles and it’s patameters). And this name, for example, myHoriz and myHorizThumb. In script:

 hSliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(25, 25, 100, 30), hSliderValue, 0.0f, 10.0f, "myHoriz", "myHorizThumb");

I hope that it will help you.

Thanks @zharik86 but it was just a unity glitch. I rolled it back to the native guy and reassigned my custom one, then it worked :expressionless: