Custom HLSL Block(dx12,unity 2023.2.0a20)

i not able to use RaytracingAccelerationStructure inside Custom HLSL give an error

error in ‘[New VFX] [Simple Loop] Update Particles’: unrecognized identifier ‘RaytracingAccelerationStructure’ at kernel CSMain at node.hlsl(3) (on d3d11)

here my source file for HLSL block

#include "UnityRayQuery.cginc"

//globe property

RaytracingAccelerationStructure g_AccelStruct;
float Distance(in float3 a, in float3 b)
    return distance(a, b);

vfx graph

RaytracingAccelerationStructure is a SM 6.3 object so it can’t compile anywhere.

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So can I force it to be compile using SM 6.5 DXC compiler and thx for doc.