Custom Inspector changes not updating target in Edit Mode

I have a custom inspector for a UI component that I wrote which builds a polygon mesh. My problem is that when I change one of the values in the custom inspector during edit time, the target component doesnt reflect those changes. However when I change one of the public variables on the target script itself the changes are shown immediately. Heres my code:

public class RegularPolygonEditor : Editor
    RegularPolygonGraphic Target;

    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        if(target != null)
            Target = target as RegularPolygonGraphic;


            Target.Thickness = EditorGUILayout.Slider(Target.Thickness, 0f, 1f);
            Undo.RecordObject(Target, "Set Thickness");

Now when I move the slider in the inspector around, the RegularPolygonGraphic target doesnt reflect those changes. However if I modify any other public in the RegularPolygonGraphic script that isnt set by the custom inspector, it updates correctly. I have the same problem in a lot of other scripts which need a custom inspector so simply making the Thickness variable public on the target component isnt an option. Thanks for your help!
EDIT: If it helps, the target script is doing most of the work inside OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh) which is overriding that method from the Graphic class.

You have to call RecordObject before you do any changes to your instance. It registers the current state of the object to the Undo system. So any changes applied to the object afterwards will be saved