I want to make a cinematic plugin for Unity, that will work like a powerpoint slide system, and i have a javaScript that animates the thing, some effects classes like "create", "destroy", "move" and so on, and i have the custom Inspector script, in the main script, i have a variable "sequence : Array", and i manipulate it from the Custom Inspector Script, (i add effect classes do the sequence, like "Create"), but, when i unfocus the object on the Hierarchy, and focus it again, all the Array content is gone, the data doesn't get saved!, like when i change a int, or a float, the Array ca'nt be saved?
what object are you taking focus off? its very unclear from what you write is it a specific GUI object or something in your inspector?
I guess you think that the cutom inspector is like a script instance but the inspector is created when it's needed (you focus an object) and it's destroyed when it's not longer needed (you unfocus the object). A inspector should "view" the content of the object you have selected. Every thing that should be "saved" have to be on your selected object.
If you create your own editorwindow that's the same thing. An editorwindow or custom inspector is just the GUI. Think of them like any other programs. If you start photoshop and draw something, if you close the program without saving it to a file it's lost when you start it again.