Custom line renderer

Hi all. I am trying to create a line renderer that resembles a tube. It can be hollow or not. Just a tube like a pipe. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @GWhitch,

You can split your problem into two parts: a) Creating circles and b) creating a mesh between them

a) You can create circle positions with sine/cosine, for example here. You would probably have to rotate them.

b) Creating a mesh between them:

For that you would have to add all circle positions as vertices and create triangles between the fitting points of your circle. A basic quad/triangle explanation is here, a more advanced mesh creating tutorial here.

You would have to connect from circle I to i+1, where each quad would be with the same 2 vertex/position indices from your circles.

You can get even more complex, if you want to have a smoothed linerenderer. You could use a Bezier curve to interpolate your circle positions