First of all, I am really loving the funnel analyzer!
The problem with my game is that It has procedually generated levels, and people play hundreds of them.
This means I cannot make a new step for each level. So what I have been doing is putting the steps like this:
level >= 1
level >= 2
level >= 3
level >= 4
level >= 5
level >= 10
level >= 20
level >= 30
level >= 50
level >= 100
level >= 500
level >= 1000
for my “levelComplete” custom event.
The problem I have is that when i look at the funnel each step is just called “levelComplete” with the number of the step before it, so once i get passed step 5 he number no longer matches the level passed…
What I would like to be able to do is:
a. be able to see the ‘level >= x’ in the step name
b. be able to give the steps a custom name, like ‘reached level 10’ in this instance
Any advice on how I could do this or if this would be doable in the future?