Added checkbox for UBER shader use on Unity 5 sbsar’s for Height compatiblity.
Enhanced Dirt effect to allow for Apolocalyptic style at higher Dirt range.
Packages updated for use with Unity 5.1.1, Alloy 3.2.3
Added 2 NEW Panel designs
NEW initial style theme
Skyshop versions added to work with Unity 5 (due to shader limitation two small emissive sections on Panels D04 and Win02 do not display as emissive)
Minor design enhancements to some existing Panel designs
Re-designed Dirt and Wear effects
Replaced sample scene with more basic setup including 3D models (Round Column, Rectangular Column, Ceiling, Floor and Wall planes UV’ed to fit Substances precisely.
Improved height outputs for Unity Std/Std(Spec) sbsars
sbsar folders have been renamed to avoid automatically overwriting previous versions
These look great at first, but as I look at them more closely they seem unexpectedly flat. It seems like the substances should be able to show greater depth on vents and other structures.
If you are using a height map, shouldn’t they pop more?
Thanks for the feedback and I agree with your comments about Height intensity. My Height intensity in the kit was limited as pushing too high introduced some unwanted behaviour. I believe I have now addressed it this.
The below images show a before and after of a wall and floor panel I have applied the changes too. I will go through and update all the panels in both my kits to allow better use of the Height intensity.
It’s a bit hard for me to see the difference on the vent right now - maybe it will be clearer once the video is updated - but I can clearly see the difference with the glowing cylinders on the right. In the “before” pic there is a noticeable gap between the rightmost cylinder and the edging, while in the “after” pic the cylinder seems to be protruding and there is no longer a gap.
The outer edges of the pale panels above also have more pop in the “after” version.
Ah! Changing to chrome was a good move in addition to the height. It makes the vent much more visually interesting, and the shiny hardware also goes great with the cylinders.
I’m looking forward to seeing how this set (and the first one) improves with the height adjustment. I think it will make them both very appealing.
Thanks very much. One of the advantages of the kits is one click changes to swap materials on different parts in real-time :).
The recent images above are using Alloy 3. I recently purchased Jove and downloaded their output/packing requirements, but have yet to set up and play with it. This was on my list once I completed vol3 (props, stairs, ramps, rails, hangar supports etc). I also need to take a look at the new Unity 5 Skyshop shaders. Although Skyshop isn’t PBR, I did adapt my first kit to work with Skyshop/Unity 4.
Thanks hopeful, I already purchased JOVE about a month ago, however just haven’t had time to try it out yet :(.
I just submitted an update to the Asset Store with the recent changes I made to work better with the Height property. I also made two new video’s and new screenshots you can see in my first post now.
Update 1.3 just approved by Asset Store. Update screenshots in first post.
Added 2 NEW Panel designs
NEW initial style theme
Skyshop versions added to work with Unity 5 (due to shader limitation two small emissive sections on Panels D04 and Win02 do not display as emissive)
Minor design enhancements to some existing Panel designs
Re-designed Dirt and Wear effects
Replaced sample scene with more basic setup including 3D models (Round Column, Rectangular Column, Ceiling, Floor and Wall planes UV’ed to fit Substances precisely.
Improved height outputs for Unity Std/Std(Spec) sbsars
sbsar folders have been renamed to avoid automatically overwriting previous versions.
For a coming minor update. I made another enhancement to the dirt affect for a more apocalyptic style when at full range. Below is a couple of samples with some graffiti (black/white decal masks) for effect, but you can drag n drop your own decal masks and colour pick to suit.
I also tested my Substances with UBER. All outputs work automatically with UBER.
The shots below were done with Unity 5.1.1 and Alloy 3.2.3
On some of the wall panels there is a sub-panel. Like the one with the four power conditioners (or whatever they are, lol, featured in the 4th picture just above). Is it possible to grab just that sub-panel, or do you always need to use the full wall panel?
And on a similar theme, is it easy to combine two separate sub-panel features?
I figure these sorts of things could be done by baking out a texture or two and then editing in Gimp. Just wondering if it can be managed in an easier way, like by adjusting some offsets.
I’ll have a think about it from my side and see if I can provide some type of feature. I can of course add and expose transform properties for each Substance, however that doesn’t help you combine certain sub panels from multiple Substances without doing some UV work on your geometry.
My initial thought would be for me to create a Master Substance in my pack that allowed you to select a couple of Substance Panels from the pack and provide a masking feature for the areas you require to build a new panel. There would have to be a limit on the number of panels input else the computation would kill the Unity Editor. You could however use the Master Substance in Substance Player and bake out your combined result to bitmaps then take back into Unity and set up as a Unity material.
I’ll give it some more thought and let you know the outcome.
I don’t mean to drive you crazy with it. If there’s an easy way to do it, then great. But if there isn’t, I think people can probably figure something out.
I was just looking at the various panels you’ve got, and thinking … this is a nice feature, and that’s a nice feature … I wonder if I could get just that one piece …
My initial play in Substance Designer shows promise and could be fairly user friendly. I am winding up a couple of projects currently, that have delayed me working on Volume 3. Once I get Volume 3 released I can look into this feature further.