Custom Scriptable Renderer Feature for HDRP. Will it be implemented?


I’m re-writing a post-processing effect for Unity 6 using Render Graph.
I found that it’s well documented for URP, how to implement a custom Scriptable Render Feature

and also samples are very helpful.

However, when I wanted to re-write the effect for HDRP I found that it works completely differently.
Custom post-processing effect for HDRP still using CustomPostProcessVolumeComponent and not ScriptableRenderFeature, altho as far as I understood, it meant to be the same implementation for URP and HDRP. There’s no documentation, there’s no samples.
So, my question is, is it planned to make custom Scriptable Render Feature implementation for HDRP in the future? or if it exists already I’d appreciate the links.


The equivalent to the scriptable renderer feature in HDRP is the custom passes, there are some examples here: GitHub - alelievr/HDRP-Custom-Passes: A bunch of custom passes made for HDRP
The API doesn’t use the rendergraph though so you might have to rewrite part of your code to make it work.

URP doesn’t have custom post-processes as post-processes go through the volume system to handle interpolation, camera volume layers, etc. So if you want to make something that works on both pipelines, I’d recommend Scriptable Renderer Features and Custom Passes.

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Interesting. I’ll check it out. Thank you :slight_smile:

I hope Unity will make implementing custom post-processing effects more consistent across different RPs in the future. Right now its very frustrating.
I thought that Render Graph was sort of the whole idea of bringing it back together and unifying APIs.
That we can use same API to implement an effect on both RPs. Hope that’s still the case.

Yes, unfortunately, we never had time to convert the HDRP custom pass API to render graph.

I can tell you that this will be fixed with the Unified Renderer in the next big update, there will be only one customization system.

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oh, sounds like good news.
i think ill wait for that before updating then. to avoid re-writing it 2 times :slight_smile:
thank you for the update :slight_smile: