Custom Texture for Score Board

static var scorepoints: int = 0;

function AddToScore() {
function OnGUI() {
	GUI.Label(Rect(970, 0, 500,500),"Points ="+scorepoints.ToString());

This code is actually working, but im wondering how am i suppose to put a custom 2D Texture instead just normal text for the Score Board?

If you want a custom texture for the text, you need to get yourself a font. If you want a 2D texture background, just add:

GUI.Box(Rect(970,0,500,500), customTexture);

ah its working great now, thanks !

static var scorepoints: int = 0;
var windowRect : Rect = Rect (20, 20, 120, 50);

function AddToScore() {
function OnGUI () {
	windowRect = GUI.Window (1, windowRect, BringWindowToBack, "SCORE BOARD");

function BringWindowToBack (windowRect : int) {
	guiText.text = "Points : " +scorepoints.ToString(); 

The guiText is showing behind the window, any idea how to bring it to front so it doesnt stay at the back of the window?