I’m having an issue with CustomEditor’s not actually showing.
I have a controller (MonoBehaviour) that has an array of Interaction attached to it. The Interaction class looks like:
public class Interaction
public ConditionContainer[] Conditions;
ConditionContainer is a way to wrap up and instantiate actual Conditions for an Interaction to occur (i.e. bumped into, press a key, etc).
public class ConditionContainer : ScriptableObject
public ConditionType ConditionType;
public Condition Condition;
public bool IsMet()
if( Condition != null )
return Condition.IsMet();
return true;
Condition itself is an abstract class and I was planning on instantiating it in my CustomEditor, based on the ConditionType that was set, and having CustomEditor’s for each specific Condition (i.e. BumpedIntoCondition, PressedKeyCondition).
public abstract class Condition
public ConditionType ConditionType;
public virtual bool IsMet()
return true;
My CustomEditor’s NEVER display or work. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t play well with arrays or if I’m missing some kind of derivation or attribute or what.
Just trying to output a label that says “Hello World” fails…
[CustomEditor(typeof(ConditionContainer), true)]
public class ConditionContainerEditor : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Hello World");
Am I missing something? I’ve commented out the serializedObject details, but they don’t make a difference either way. I’ve tried calling into the base.OnInspectorGUI() as well… No luck anywhere. The Editor itself is inside Assets\Editor – when I open the code, it tosses it into another C# Project called “Editors” so I assume it’s recognizing.
I’m using Unity 2017.3 Personal.