Customising the Scene View

Hi Guys,

I want to play with the scene view in the Unity Editor. I know you can customise the inspector, and you can customise the active camera in the editor… but is there a way to make a ‘custom scene view’?

I want to emulate the Unreal’s 4 perspective camera layout (AKA Maya/Max’s layout too), with the same 'snap to grid functionality all those other programs have.

I really want to see what I can make of this… but from all the tutorials I see on the website they only mention customising the camera itself, or the inspector… Never the scene view… Can anyone help?


yup your sure can.

So I’m not sure if you’ve seen it yet, but in classes that inherit Editor we have a nice function called OnSceneGUI ()

from there you can do all sorts of things, you can use the Handles class to draw things like gizmos etc

I often use it to make pretty level editors:

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You, my good man, are a genius. Thanks!