Customized cursor : render after everything else

Hello !

I made a customized cursor (animated) with several Texture2D, and they are displayed with GUI.DrawTexture in the OnGUI method.

In another script, I displayed some game objects with a second camera in order to be in front of everything from the game.

It seems that my OnGUI method for the cursor is called before my OnGUI method for the other objects, and I don’t know how I can invert that (or even if it’s possible …).
So I would like to display my cursor after these game objects, because for now it is displayed in backward.

If anyone has an idea, thanks by advance for sharing !

OnGUI is always on top of everything, no exceptions. If you don’t want that behavior you need to use something other than OnGUI. If you’re talking about display order between different OnGUI calls, use GUI.depth.