CustomTerrainLightmap shader won't run on windows...

Hey all,

Our studio has been using the amazing editor script that creates a terrain lightmap that has shadows of trees, and other objects in the scene (CustomTerrainLightmap, that can be found in the Wiki).
We’ve upgraded to Unity 2.5 and now are running on Windows workstations.
The script highjacks the terrain shader and as far as I can understand makes it show only the shadows. That specific shader throws a[quote]
"Shader ‘Hidden/TerrainEngine/Splatmap/VertexLit-BaseMap’: no subshaders can run on this graphics card

error on our windows workstation. The same workstation that used to run that same script on OSx just fine.

My guess is that the shader is written for OpenGL and has some issues with D3D, but I have basically no real experience with shaders.

If any of you shader gurus can enlighten me with what’s going on here, I would appreciate any feedback…

There is a post in the Unity Support section that has the entire shader source code and a full description of the problem:


We have exactly the same problem here. Has any solution been found yet? The log output is as follow:

Alternatively we’d be happy about another solution to bake lightmaps from the terrain trees.



the assumption is correct. the shader is explicitely written for opengl only, you would need to create a cg version of it