Find out more about Cute series in this thread! If you have any suggestions and feedback, please feel free to drop a message below
Cute Series 3D models are cute and easy to use. Monsters come with 3 different evolution. ‘Evolution 1’ is the least evolved ( weaker) and ‘Evolution 3’ is the most evolved ( Most powerful). You can use it to show progression in your game! It’s a good addition for games like Pokemon, Mario, casual / educational, tower defense, RPG games and more. Characters are modular and mecanim ready.
Super excited to see this continue for years to come, there’s already so many varied monsters but the more the better! I’ve bought a few of these packs and I can tell you that the quality is superb especially for the price. It’s really hard to find something like this on the asset store, so thanks again for all the amazing work!
Haha you know me, I’m just gonna say more monsters for the cute series, a large variety. I really like the approach you are doing already, seems like you can get a new set out every week which is awesome to see, will defs keep on buying them
I bought Monsters Ultimate Pack 01 Cute Series and unfortunately none of the animations of move forward with root motion are working. Can you please fix this issue?
Thank you.
The tutorial works perfectly for all humanoid characters (Male Knight Modular Pack 01 Cute Series), and using a a set of animations from Unity Store (Warrior Pack Bundle 2), but when I try to use the animations that come with the monsters it is not working. I’m using the same code for both animations set, but on monsters the character is not advancing:
public void OnAnimatorMove()
if (_useKinematic)
_navMeshAgent.velocity = _animator.deltaPosition / Time.deltaTime;