CutOut Shader for iPhone

I noticed that there are three iPhone specific shaders.

Lighmap only
vertex color
Alpha -vertex color

How is the peformance with cut out - Are we to use Cutout Vertexlit - which seems to not be good performance wise? Or is there to be and Cut Out - vertex color?

What’ s the main differences between the normal Vertex Lit shader and the Vertex color shader?

How is alpha blending vs alpha testing used in the included iPhone shaders?

My primary use would be to use cutout for smaller billbord items. Would it be a good aproach or is real lowpoly object still a better alternative?

Regarding more 2D style games. Would it be good to make a “center” core of a opaque polygon and split up the aplha och cutout polygons around it to reduce fill rate consumtion?

Vertex Color and Alpha Vertex Color are not specific to the iPhone… they’re just shaders I used for the Occlusion demo. The difference between the Vertex Lit and Vertex Color shader is that Vertex Color takes, as the name implies, baked/painted vertex color information into account.

From what I’ve heard Alpha Blend is actually faster than Alpha Test on the iPhone. Hopefully someone can chime in on the technical reason for this as well as answer your overdraw questions.


Thank you very much Ethan.

I am evaluating the normal Unity as well as iPhone so I am a newbie right now when i comes to how erything is in Unity. On top of that I am learning the iPhone, so i can get messy in y head :slight_smile:

It’s funny beacuse I worked on the Dreamcast ages ago, which used a PowerVR series 2 card. Which I think is quite similar to the one in iPhone. Still it seems to be quite different with the shared memory and all.

I will try to keep my question count as low as possible until I have learned a bit more about Unity and the iPhone.
