Cutting freehand shapes with Blender knife tool?

I’m working through the Introduction Character Animation with Blender 2nd Edition. While it’s a great book so far, I’m stuck on a part where I’m required to cut the top four faces of a hand mesh into a “U” shape with the Knife tool. The book says to “Access the knife tool by pressing and holding the K key while click-dragging the mouse over the edges in the mesh you want to cut”. But doing this does nothing. All I can do with the knife tool is make a point on any other face or edge that can draw a straight line to another point. Here is a mock up of what the book wants me to do (the “U” I penciled in is what it wants me to do with the knife):

The 2nd Edition was revised for Blender 2.5 and I’m using 2.6. Was there a change done to the Knife tool between these two versions? Or am I misunderstanding how the tool works?

Yeah, it’s changed.

Hit K (no need to hold it)
Click at some starting point, say the top right most point in your drawing. Move across the mesh, clicking to drop new points to roughly describe the shape you want. It will automatically place points at edges you cross, but if you want to make a rounded shape like you have drawn, you’ll need to drop a few points on the curvy parts. When done, hit Enter to commit or Right-Click to cancel.

Ok, I kinda got it figure out now. The problem now is I can’t cut the four faces I have selected in the picture I posted above. The knife tool will cut the faces to the left of them but it won’t do anything to those four faces. What could be causing the knife tool to not work here?

Hmm, really hard to diagnose from just a description. If you could get a video recording of what’s happening and post it, then we could take a look at it and possibly find out.

From watching other people using the Knife in videos, they can cut inside a face to add vertices. I can’t seem to do that on my model with the Knife. Selecting the tool and clicking inside faces does nothing. I can only cut through certain edges but not all of them.

I’ll try to explain what I’m supposed to do, hopefully that will clarify everything.

Here is the hand of the model I’ve been creating following the book. The selected faces are the one’s I’m supposed to cut:

Here is the hand of the model from the example used in the book. The selected vertices and edges are what I’m supposed to cut into my faces with the Knife tool:

I’m having a hard time doing that with the 2.6 Knife tool. I can’t make any cuts in my four selected faces. The Knife tool just doesn’t do anything. Hopefully this explains it better

Anyone have any tips? It seems so simple, but I just can’t get the Knife tool to cut those vertices into the faces.

Maybe this tutorial could be useful for you.
It explains how to use the knife tool in Blender.

For example, did you press the return key after you have made the cuts?
