On relatively thin cylinders (radius ~3mm-1cm, 1m = 1unit), when I add a Cylinder PhysicsShape, and Fit To Enabled Render Meshes, then the following is thrown:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: Cylinder bevel radius cannot be larger than the cylinder
Unity.Physics.CylinderGeometry.Validate () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.physics@0.2.5-preview.1/Unity.Physics/Collision/Colliders/CylinderCollider.cs:85)
if (m_BevelRadius > m_Radius || m_BevelRadius * 2 > m_Height)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Cylinder bevel radius cannot be larger than the cylinder");
“Fit To Enabled Render Meshes” should probably not generate ArgumentOutOfRangeException
, which is why I think this is a bug. It should probably generate a bevel radius that does not violate m_BevelRadius > m_Radius || m_BevelRadius * 2 > m_Height
, and if not useful, emit a warning.