D3D11 swapchain crashes Unity on launch

Hey all, I’m having a very frustrating issue where Unity crashes every time I launch it due to a “Failed to present D3D11 swapchain” error. I’m fairly sure this has to do with a shader I created (I think there’s some bad math or something) because it seems to crash when it’s generating the material preview for the shader graph window. The problem is, I can’t even open Unity to fix the issue – any time I open the app, it immediately crashes.

Does anyone know what kind of shader issue might be causing this crash? And is there any way to fix it? Or is there any way to reset the Unity window layout so I can at least open the app without it crashing?

why you don’t browse to the folder and remove the shader from the project?

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Awesome, thank you, don’t know why I didn’t think of that! Still not sure what the issue was, but it at least let me get the project open.