d3d12 HDRP crashes

Hello, I have a problem with HDRP and dx12, on dx11 everything is allright
On Dx12 I have crashes all times, currently i’m using unity 2020.3.38f1 and still exists, where I can find solution? I have big project

8378352–1104609–full log.txt (82.7 KB)

Could you try in 2021.3 and 2022.1 as well?
In 2022 dx12 is out of experimental.

Reporting a bug report probably is the best to get the issue seen (if you have done the regular like restarting PC, updating drivers, making sure you’re not over your VRAM limit, and making sure your GPU supports dx12)

Yup, Unity admits that DX12 has been unstable until 2022.2.0a17

As everyone might know, the DX12 backend has been slow, and somewhat unstable, for as long as there has been one.

I have problem before 2020 version or earlier, i don’t know exactly. But still working with dx11.
Unity 2022 doesn’t work, I don’t see any materials, now trying 2021

Unity’s support for DX12 isnt completely worked out (to say the least), and wont be for some time, stay with DX11 and save yourself the headache…

I think is the best way

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Any chance you can submit a bug report for the issues you are facing? For the materials issue in 2022, is it a case where you are unable to upgrade the project?
As DevDunk mentioned above, the DX12 backend for 2022.2.0a17 and later is now stable and more performant, and thus officially out of preview. Please let us know and report if you find any issues.

Hi, I tried again with uinity 2022 (2022.2.0b4) And still not working, template empty scene has the same problem. Primitive cube

Edit: I Don’t know what is going on but Unity 2022.x.x, (HDRP) SampleScene, Template doesn’t work. Editor viewport (camera?) don’t display anything

Unity 2021.3.8f1 and 2022.1.14f1, The same problem :frowning:
Works only with Unity 2020.3.38

After much trial and error, I finally found out MSI Afterburner was crashing all my unity projects when I tried to enable D3D12. Also I changed all the graphic settings back to default in control panel and updated drivers several times. Are you running MSI Afterburner or something simular?

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