Daily Mission System

Hi Everyone!!!

I’m trying to make a “Daily Mission System” for my game, it would be like a kind of “Quest”
Do X Action X Times, etc.

every day it should get a new mission from a pool and set it as the default objetive for the day.

but i’m not finding any info about this… any ideas where to start? some tutorial or at least any information on how this sistems are done?

Something like this.

use DateTime.Now to get the current date, and compare against last time they played.

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Yep i know how to manage the timespan and that stuff, i have another sistem for a level you can enter only once a day.

but my question goes more for the side of how could i make the structure
and how to inform that a mission is completed or not

Id, Objetive, etc.

many ways to do that, depends on your structure, but i would have a manager class for my daily missions, that other systems can make calls to, when ever they complete a step of a mission.

most likly make the singalton

And how would you make a “Mission” class that could be generic and get the triggers that count for the completion of the mission?

i’m having some troubles with that part.

You would probably start by defining various events that could potentially count towards the progress of some mission. Like “defeat an enemy”, or “buy something from the store”, or “reach the end of a level”.

When you create a mission, you can then have it listen for the appropriate events. For example, the “defeat 5 enemies” mission gets hooked up to the “defeat an enemy” event, so that some method on the mission gets called every time that event happens. The mission can then count how many times that event happens and complete itself when the appropriate number has been reached.

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