Damage Text Fountain (ala Borderlands)

I would like to put together a system to display damage numbers as an object takes damage that shoot off in a “fountain style” behavior. Borderlands is an excellent reference for what I am looking to do.

When an object takes damage, I would like to shoot a piece of text (in world coord) off of the player. I’d like it to move like a particle fountain. It doesn’t need to collide with other objects.

Should I just generate 3DText objects as I need them and attack a script behavior to them? Is there a better way to do this?

Thank you for any pointers.


Just use an actual particle system.

Use render to texture (pro only) or have a texture with digits and use Texture2D’s GetPixels SetPixels (works with indy) to build your damage number texture at runtime then fire the particle system on hit or bullet collision depending on how your game handles gunplay. Have the particle system destroy itself and it’ll all clean up quite nicely. Managing materials/texture creation will be a pain though.

It’s a bit of a kludge solution, would be nice if Unity had better hooks for creating “temp” text as texture assets at runtime that are auto GCd when no models/scripts reference them anymore.

You ever get a damage text fountain running? I have a basic one started, but doesnt support different text colors for different damage types at the moment