Damped transform stretching issues

Hello, when I try to set up damped transforms for a snake-like creature (as in the unity boss example), the positions still seem to be damped when I’m moving the parent transform, even though the position slider is on 0.
Any idea how to deal with this? (I have checked unity’s example project, and it occurs there as well if you speed up the boss)

Also experiencing this issue! @simonbz

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Hi @avishai_unity , any luck with this issue yet?

Hi @daniel_lochner , sadly not, unity is unresponsive as of yet.

I believe it’s some kind of accumulation if you use forced movement (ie Transform.translate or a Tweening plugin).
There is no inherent way to clear accumulation.

The only way to get past it is to disable the Damped Transform component on all joints and write your own damping. I have no clue how to do this.

I mean, it also happens in ANY kind of movement ,physics included.
Seems like a bug to me.
Will probably write our own damping, yea

Yep, I had to switch the damped transform with my own solution.

Do you mind sharing your solution?


This looks like a bug. I am not able to reproduce this behaviour with our samples though, so I’m not quite sure what you’re doing to create this issue… Can someone please log a bug using the Unity bug reporter? This is the best way to report issues to us. If you cross-reference this thread in your bug report, we can report back any findings we make back to this thread.