Damping the bounciness of a rigidbody fall

Hi all lovely unity ppl,

This seems to have a easy solution but i just couldn’t find it. I need to damp a bounciness of a rigidbody fall. There are 2 levels of 3d letters stack on top of each other that I added rigidbody to via script and allow them to fall. I added force so that they will fall at a faster speed. I want them to remain stacked on top of each other but the moment they landed on the ground. They bounce off each other. and can’t read the type anymore (which i don’t want it to happen).

Is this something got to do with physic materials? Please assist. Appreciate your help guys.


I have two possible solutions:

  1. Fake the physics on the way down. Turn the rigidbodies to kinematic and just script the transformations instead. Once they’re down, turn the physics back on.
  2. Or, temporarily group the letters together until they’re settled, then break their association. It’d be easy enough to do through scripting (parent/unparent) but, again, may or may not satisfy what you need them to do.

Either way, have a temporary change in how you handle the rigidbodies.